Eradicate Your Resting Bitchface with a $2000 “Valentine Anguloplasty”

Or don’t. Via the Atlantic:

[A] new technique called “Smile Lipt” carves a permanent smile into an otherwise angry face. The procedure, whose name combines “lip” with “lift” — get it? — turns up the corners of the mouth using a technique that’s a milder version of what Scottish hoodlums might call the “Glasgow grin.”

Glaswegian thugs missed out on a potential fortune; the Seoul-based Aone Plastic Surgery has patented the procedure, according to the clinic’s blog.

How do you know if a $2000 valentine anguloplasty is right for you?

Smile Lipt helps gummy smilers smirk less gummily. It also might benefit “patients with short mouth,” says the Aone blog, and “young people with innately downturned mouth corners.” People with those afflictions suffer psychologically, says Dr. Kwon Taek-keun, head of Aone. ” Even when you are looking like your normal self, people keep asking you: ‘Why are you frowning?’” Dr. Kwon told Korea Real Time. “That’s a lot of stress.”

The procedure is, as KRT reports, increasingly popular among men and women in their 20s and 30s — especially flight attendants, consultants and others in industries aiming to offer service with a smile.

Flight attendants, consultants and bloggers, hello. This procedure scares me quite a bit, but seven years of listening to my Texan cheerleading coaches scream “Fake it till you feel it!” proved to me what science already knows: there are psychological benefits to even the fakest of smiles.