A Woman’s Right to Booze

by Jane-Claire Quigley

Second Sex on the Beach

Susan Beer Anthony

Woman’s Libation

Shandy Day O’Connor

Cotes du Rhone Vs. Wade

Creme de 19th Amendment

A Rum of One’s Own

Sojourner Vermouth

Rosé the Riveter

Intrauterine Deviceroy

Pabst Smear

Pussy Rye-ot

International Women’s Daiquiri

Joan of Arc and Stormy

Vermouth Bader Ginsberg

Pimms Diva Cup

Judith Butlery Nipple

Our Toddies, Ourselves

All Heterosexual Triple-Sec is Rape

Equal IPA Act

Pickle-Back the Night

Mary Thom Collins

Female Condom Perignon

Bloody Mary Wollstonecraft

Morning After Pillsner

Glass Yuengling

A Woman Needs a Man(hattan) Like a Fish Needs a Bicycle

Jane-Claire Quigley is an underemployed freelance writer and editor who uses her Twitter [@notjaneclaire] to store puns she’s working on.