You Are Entitled to One Hour, Six Minutes, and 48 Seconds of Comfort

From the Post:

It takes just one hour, six minutes and 48 seconds before the average woman’s feet begin to feel the agony of being strapped into high heels, a study has found.

And some can’t even make it that long — with 20 percent of women saying the pain kicks in after just 10 minutes. But nearly half of all women admit they are willing to suffer for fashion and cram their tootsies into the too-tall shoes, the survey by Britain’s College of Podiatry found.

The school surveyed 2,000 men and women. Only 12 percent of men said they would purposely wear uncomfortable shoes.

My friend bought new shoes not too long ago and complained that they were “uncomfortable” on day one of wearing them, and I said something sensitive and understanding like, “yeah, no shit.” I rarely wear heels, and I still live with the assumption that shoes will hurt me for a little while, until I break them in, at which point they will hurt me a little bit less, hopefully. And after that hour, six minutes, and 48 seconds, things just go numb, right? Right? Isn’t that normal???

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