Texas Senator Wendy Davis’s Filibuster

State senator Wendy Davis is filibustering the restrictive abortion bill currently on the floor to vote in Texas. The proposed bill “would ban abortion at 20-weeks gestation, require physicians that perform the procedure to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, require abortions to be performed in ambulatory surgical centers and require doctors administering abortion-inducing drugs to do so in person.” She’s about three hours in on a 13-hour stretch, and she’s spending the time reading testimony from women who have had abortions in the Longhorn State. Senator Davis

must speak continuously — and stay on topic — the entire time. She is not allowed to lean against something for support. And she will not be able to stop or take a break, not even for meals or the restroom, during the entire 13-hour ordeal.

The leadership may not want to listen to TX women, but they will have to listen to me. I intend to filibuster this bill. #SB5 #txlege

— Wendy Davis (@WendyDavisTexas) June 25, 2013

If you’re at work, be warned that the testimony will likely get emotional at times. [YouTube. h/t Michelle & Andrea]

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