Food Art About the News

A few weeks ago we asked readers to create and send in photos of food art about the news (anything even tangentially “about” a current or past event, made mostly of food), for a gallery presented by the Samsung Galaxy S® 4, and here are the results. Thank you. It is truly like reading a newspaper.

“The Lonely Broccoli Mammoth
By: Monica McLaughlin

“My beer foam naturally took the form of a red panda face, and the Chattanooga Zoo got a new red panda this week! (Too much of a stretch?)[Ed. — Nope! Perfect.]
By: Melissa

“The Glass Half-Full/Half-Empty, Emptying Itself”
By: Natalie Eve Garrett

“This particular piece of food art is of a cat sneaking into a prison with a cell phone, which is based on this story in the Moscow Times. The body is made from an italian eggplant, the head is red potato, the ears are rhubarb, and its eyes were made from the stem of the eggplant. Its legs are made from baby carrots. The cellphone and its whiskers are made from snap peas. Its tail is made from a jalapeño. My dish rack is slotted so I thought it worked the best as a prison.”
By: Mike Dang

“I didn’t carve any radishes but here is the Easter egg I made of Alistair Darling (his eyebrows are a different color from his hair!). I’m not sure what the text is about, I think there was a meme of rewriting the text on some Tory election add billboard or something? Who knows. It’s the best I could do!”
By: Jon Custer

“Inbox Almost Zero
By: Anonymous

“Game of Thrones ‘Red Wedding’ in Spicy Arrabbiata Sauce” [Ed. — Spoiler behind link.]
By: Jim Behrle

“This just happened at my friend’s birthday party with some Skittles, it’s not quite food art, but the one in the corner really looks like a tomato!” [Ed. — YES!]
By: Sachar Mathias

By: Jason Trost

“It’s really bad but relates to the recent news that sea turtle populations are making a comeback. It doesn’t really look like a turtle but maybe if you squint your eyes…?”
By: Michael Macher


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