Queens in History: Tomyris

Today the oldish-and-witchy Tumblr The English Ladye highlights Queen Tomyris, pictured, who reigned in Central Asia around 530 B.C. and apparently “defeated and killed the Persian emperor Cyrus the Great during his invasion and attempted conquest of her country.” She also apparently “had his corpse beheaded and then crucified,” and then “shoved his head into a wineskin filled with human blood.” Furthermore, “She was reportedly quoted as saying, ‘I warned you that I would quench your thirst for blood, and so I shall.’ “ (!)

There’s also a type of moth named after her (moth No. 25), although it’s not yet clear to me why. Unless these moths are known for cutting other moths’ heads off and whispering horrifying things to them once they’re dead, although it seems like we would have heard about that by now. Or maybe we wouldn’t.