How Many Words Have You Read About Towels Today?

Not enough, obviously!

Okay, we’ve got the material, but how about the mechanical? There are many camps of thought here, and they can be just as confusing as fiber choice. A fluffier, more dense towel means more absorbency, right? Right! But it also means that your towel will stay wet longer and mildew fast, which means more washing, more drying, more shrinking, and more wear on your towels. The ideal towel is one with high absorbency and a decently high [grams per square meter] — enough to be fluffy, but not so dense that it won’t dry out between uses. Finding this ideal requires us to look deeper into terry cloth construction.

Over the weekend I called up my mother to ask for her opinion on “good bedsheets” and didn’t get off the phone for 38 minutes. This is our collective cue to go check out The Sweethome, just launched today, a site for selecting and reviewing the best stuff for your home or apartment. Now I never have to call my mom again.

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