Get It, Girl

“The high school senior alleges that Aulenbacher threatened to call Wellesley College, where Campbell has been accepted to study in the fall, after she spoke to the press about her objections to the assembly. According to Campbell, her principal said, “How would you feel if I called your college and told them what bad character you have and what a backstabber you are?” Campbell alleges that Aulenbacher continued to berate her in his office, eventually driving her to tears. “He threatened me and my future in order to put forth his own personal agenda and make teachers and students feel they cant speak up because of fear of retaliation,” she said of the incident.”
— There’s something so deliciously satisfying about young women getting into fights with authority figures, and then winning. Also, Pam Stenzel, man! She says things that are…something! “If you take birth control, your mother probably hates you” is…begging for a dance remix. Whatever happened to just having obviously dorky touring troupes that act out dates at assemblies? Did you have those?

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