Come Back to the Raft Ag’in, Wishbone Honey!

“We’re not supposed to see Mr. Darcy as a talking dog, we’re supposed to see a talking dog *playing the part of* Mr. Darcy. This is taken to extreme levels of metatextuality anytime Wishbone attempts a Shakespeare adaptation; here the flashback sequences don’t just look like television plays, they’re explicitly plays at an in-universe level (indeed the Tempest adaptation is particularly head-spinning as Wishbone imagines a performance of The Tempest in response to the kids…putting on a performance of The Tempest). Theatrical performances are by definition non-representational, which would seem to put this half of the show in conflict with the themes of the Oakdale one. Or does it?”
— Well, look, if people write cookbooks in Klingon, the internet has room for a really in-depth examination of Wishbone.

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