Faking Orgasms for Fun (?) and Profit

Dear Imaginary Ethicist,

Is it ethical to use a question submitted to your sister site’s advice columnist for the purposes of generating a salacious discussion? — A Blogger

Dear Blogger,

Not really? Probably not. As to the question being asked: the woman should probably not tell him she’s been faking it and just gradually transition out of faking it. Oh, right, though, it’s been going on for a while, and if you stop now, he’s going to think he’s gotten worse or that you should go get a hormonal profile done, and that would be arduous to negotiate. Um, hm. Go back in time and don’t fake orgasms, I guess? Or, like, just five over the course of your entire life, very early in relationships where you like the guy enough to make him feel like he brought you to orgasm, but he hasn’t quite gotten the hang of you yet. Or, doggy-style while you hump the kind of vibrator that plugs directly into the wall.


The Imaginary Ethicist