Try to Purchase “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Remember when we featured those gorgeous dioramas by Julia Callon? Well, Wondereur is making REASONABLY PRICED big prints available via their “large formats for small prices” program.

The site is a little hard to navigate, but there’s nothing wrong with sliding haphazardly around some pretty pictures while trying to find something willing to take your credit card info, right?

I am still working on it. I think you click “Wondereur” in the bottom left, and then “buy art,” but then there’s nothing you can click on once you get there. Okay, I am trying to click on the painting I want. Nothing, it is not clickable. They want my email address. Then I have to confirm it via an email. Nothing is happening. I am downloading the iPad app. It is very beautiful, but there are no words. I think I am in a Portlandia sketch.

Literally 27 minutes later, I have succeeded in buying a print. Worth it! Sometimes you have to suffer for your art.

They are charming and open to suggestions, so I have suggested they soil their gorgeous splash page with a “click here to give us money in exchange for goods and services” button in a corner somewhere.