Some Christmas & Non-Christmas Music

NPR is streaming an “eclectic” Jingle Jams mix for the remainder of the holiday season, if you’re looking for unexpected musical combinations (Ella Fitzgerald’s “What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?” followed The Barenaked Ladies’ “Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah,” when I turned it on). And if you missed it, here’s SNL’s “Silent Night” on YouTube. NPR is also hosting a new Dido song, featuring Kendrick Lamar: “Let Us Move On.” (She’s releasing a new album in March.) And I’m still partial to the World’s Most Perfect Christmas Playlist, but that is a self-serving link.

Elsewhere, and unrelated, “clean hippie” Alden Wicker has an engaging piece for Narratively on the current state of furriery.