Happy 12/12/12
Well, it’s Twelve Twelve Twelve, or “Sound Check Day” to the hilarious (one two, one two). Will you be getting married or having a baby? I’m trying to think of some particularly twelve-y food to make or consume. It’s apparently National Cocoa Day (or is that tomorrow?) and Gingerbread House Day, for what it’s worth (nothing), as well as Poinsettia Day and Quince, Watermelon, Root Vegetable, Exotic Fruit, Tomato, and Winter Squash [Awareness?] Month.
You could also stream and/or download DJ Scott Melker’s second Melker Project, “a 53-minute mixtape that includes roughly 200 songs from nearly every genre imaginable.” He has “tweaked, coddled, loved, hated, adjusted, erased and frantically un-erased this mix for over a year.” It’s wonderful and infuriating.