Men, Am I Right?

“Both young men spent a good portion of their time at Oxford abusing the literature they were supposed to study. “I can just about stand learning the filthy lingo it’s written in,” Larkin wrote to Amis about Old English poetry. “What gets me down is being expected to admire the bloody stuff.” They invented a game called “horsepissing,” in which they’d replace words from classic literary texts with obscenities –“I have gathered up six slender basketfuls OF HORSEPISS,” for example — which they’d write in their own and each other’s copies of famous books. It was a game they never tired of or, indeed, outgrew.”

— Never change, brilliant dead immature aggravating awful funny juiceboxy Larkin & Amis, beautifully evoked by Keith Gessen over at The New Statesman. Well, you can’t ever change now, anyway. Because…


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