Fictional Establishments We Would Like to Open One Day
by Domenique Elliott and John Osborne
1. Curryoke: karaoke bar featuring only Bollywood songs
2. Cinco de Mayo Clinic: Mexican hospital for difficult cases
3. Gluten Tag: gluten-free german bakery
4. Frit-tatas: strip club/brunch place
5. Sexon Valdez: Alaskan whorehouse
6. Scuba Libre: underwater Cuban restaurant
7. Oi!nk: punk rock BBQ
8. Jimmy Buffet’s: a Key West buffet with an all-you-can-drink margarita bar
9. Transylvania: strip club for Romanian transvestites
10. Mammary Lane: vintage bras
11. Gordon Rightfoot’s: shoe store for people with mismatched feet
12. Helen of Poi: Greek/Hawaiian fusion
13. FLAAAN!: Mexican desserts with a Star Trek theme
14. Jurassic Pork: day-old discount meats
Domenique Elliott (big sis) is a copywriter in New York while John Osborne (little bro) mans the smoker at Detroit’s best BBQ joint. They share an abundance of genetic material including excessive height, curly hair and a deep, abiding love of word play.
Illustration by Leah Lin.