Why Isn’t He in Everything?

“It was hard to explain to friends exactly why I kept watching AMC’s The Killing all the way through the recent, justly derided Season 2 finale. There are so many worthy shows I don’t follow, and so many other choices for what to do with one’s Sunday night, that by the end it was almost unseemly to keep clinging to the moldering corpse of Veena Sud’s once-promising detective drama. (Without spoiling the identity of Rosie Larsen’s killer, I can say this: Col. Mustard would have had more plausible motivations.)

In truth, the only reason I kept watching was Joel Kinnaman.”
— The 2010 Swedish movie Easy Money starring Detective Holder is now playing in the U.S., and according to Dana Stevens over at Slate, his character is “dressed-to-the-nines.”