The Worst Moment in Last Night’s The Newsroom

(Catch up here.)

Learned Man: “I’m on a mission to civilize; I’m Don Quixote.”

Woman Who is Supposed to be a Gritty War Correspondent and Polymath:I’m Don Quixote.”

Learned Man: “Have you even read Don Quixote?”

Woman Who is Supposed to be a Gritty War Correspondent and Polymath: “In the original French.”

Learned Man:
“It was written in Spanish.”

OH, YA BURNT, WOMAN. For chrissakes, it is not PLAUSIBLE that she would do that, the NAME is “Don Quixote.” Spanish! ARGH!

Incidentally, earlier in the episode he mouths off about how “I only seem liberal because I believe hurricanes are caused by high barometric pressure and not by gay marriage.” And I’m not going to go out on a meteorological limb here, I just watched a lot of Weather Network, but…isn’t that totally wrong? Like, aren’t hurricanes started by low-pressure zones that happen above warm ocean waters?

(I may be wrong, but I’ll be right in the morning and he’ll still be a jag.)

AND THEN HE PULLS THE GUN ON HIS DATE TO DEMONSTRATE HOW SHE COULD BE DISARMED, and she says “is it wrong that I’m turned on right now?”