Shades of Other Things

Nine Thousand Shades of Brown

Forty Shades — for Lamps

Two Shades in the Glove Compartment (Slang for Sunglasses)

Infinite Volts of Shade Thrown Upon Enemies, Strangers

Shady Hill, the Private School in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Three Deadly Nightshade Plants, Two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Tree, in the Shade

Shade, the Name of a Very Pretty Girl Who Went to Your High School

What’s Shade, That Girl, Up to Now?

Is She at Home Writing a List for a Blog?

Probably Not, and I Bet She Has a Baby. Maybe at Least She’s Not So Pretty Anymore

Shade! A Nice Thing Under a Tree to Rest In

Doe, a Deer a Female Deer; Ray, a Drop of Golden Sun. Mi, a Name I Call Myself; Fa, a Long, Long Way to Run. Shade, Part of the Name of a Sex Novel

La, a Note to Follow Shade

Etc., That Will Bring Us Back to 50 Shades of Grey, and the Accidental Advertisement That Sites Like This Have Been Giving It, for Months. But Whatever, and I Haven’t Read It So I Have No Idea, Although I’d Probably Be Into It