Whale Radio

Good morning, Whale.fm! It’s the website where you can “help marine researchers understand what whales are saying.” (“Surface here often?” “Not really.”) Although: the “two species of whale whose calls are used in this site — Pilot and Killer Whales — are actually more closely related to dolphins than to other whales.” Hmm.

Here’s a tutorial on how to help them, here’s more about the whales being deciphered, and … wait a second, if you don’t want to help anyone, and you just want to listen to whale song, there’s Whalesong.net (where the live stream is actually depressingly silent, although they do have downloadable playlists, but those are kind of … grindy. I don’t know; the whales are weird! Oh no wait then they get really good! Haha! Oh man it’s actually really crazy), as well as whales on YouTube (omg these whales on YouTube!).