What’s on the Menu at Starbucks’ New Juice Bar

The first outlet of the Starbucks-purchased Evolution Fresh opens today in Bellevue, Washington, but if you can’t make it out there and want to know what to expect when one eventually glides down on a corner near you, their menu is online and viewable from anywhere. (They also sell bottled juice at select stores, at the moment.) For instance, there’s the Sweet Greens and Lemon Juice (info above), the Spicy Lemonade, the Apple Berry Fiber Smoothie, and an interesting, unspoken micro-battle between the Essential Greens Juice and the Vital Greens Juice.

There are gift cards, they are on Twitter (as “Jimmy”), and there is (and will be) wi-fi at the stores. (It’s too early for a Yelp page, and their YouTube account is currently empty.) The juices are cold-pressed (not in-store), and the smoothies are made fresh (in-store). Starbucks: for all your drinkable needs (except bourbon and … kaopectate [?], for now).