The Week of March 6–30

– A Non-Monogamous Couple reminisces, A Lady waits for someone to pour that champagne, and A Clean Person, will you bundle me? (Not even sure what I mean by that!)

– Beauty Q&A: tall women in heels, yes!

– On shower etiquette. (Bathroom, not wedding.)

– And books about murder.

– First, though, to marry Guillaume.

– Things to consume: enchilada pie, house white, Greek white. (I’m going to get a drink, anyone want anything?)

Hot aliens in video games.

Things learned from the Friends soundtrack.

– The tale of the Mysterious, Long-Fingered Frog, parts one and two.

– And: a wizard has stolen your heart.

– Happy Crystal Cleavage Day, we’ll see you back here in April.

Photo by Martin Novak, via Shutterstock