Phobias, in Chronological Order

by Lauren Kirchner

Heliophobia: fear of sunlight
Scopophobia: fear of being looked at
Philophobia: fear of love
Omphalophobia: fear of bellybuttons
Ablutophobia: fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning

Astraphobia: fear of thunder and lightning
Somniphobia: fear of sleep
Coulrophobia: fear of clowns
Philophobia: fear of love
Mysophobia: fear of germs or dirt

Emetophobia: fear of vomiting
Agyrophobia: fear of crossing roads
Atychiphobia: fear of failure
Autophobia: fear of loneliness
Philophobia: fear of love
Gephyrophobia: fear of bridges
Sociophobia: fear of people or social situations

Ergophobia: fear of work
Glossophobia: fear of public speaking
Anuptoaphobia: fear of marriage or commitment

Tokophobia: fear of childbirth or pregnancy
Philophobia: fear of love
Chronophobia: fear of time moving forward
Gerascophobia: fear of growing old
Nosopobia: fear of hospitals
Philophobia: fear of love
Thanatophobia: fear of death
Apeirophobia: fear of infinity

Lauren Kirchner is a freelance journalist currently embracing her fears in Brooklyn.