The Week of December 5–9

– Workin’ December five through nine, what a way to make a living! This week A Queer Chick advised on lesbian curiosity, A Dude mourned his lost dinosaur, and A Clean Person’s nose never runs because she is not of this earth. Praise be to ye, ACP.

“Merry Christmas!” “Who is this?”

– Here are a number of delightful hot drinks to make and consume this weekend. Mmm!

– The wonderful Carrie Brownstein has no Katy Perry or Rihanna on her Turntable playlist.

– Carolita Johnson, whose purse you just saw, would let you drool on her, so long as you shampoo.

– “Sasha!” “Sasha!

– Jane revealed the secrets to jewelry buying, and Nicole is still in possession of the cutest babe in the land.

Think of Bobby if you watch Love Actually this weekend. Think always of Bobby, I know I do!

Photo by James R. Martin, via Shutterstock