A Letter to Judy Blume, Via a Doll in Her Likeness

by Melissa Locker

Dear Judy Blume,

Do you remember your book Wifey? I mean, of course you remember it, you wrote it! But I wanted to ask you about one part in Wifey that really stuck with me, and I was hoping you could explain. Do you remember how you had the woman use a tampon even though it wasn’t her lady time, but because she wanted to not wear underwear, because she didn’t want to, I don’t know, go all Old Faithful on the other party guests? I assume you remember that part because you wrote it. Well, I don’t get it. I didn’t get it then, but I figured it was because Wifey was an “adult novel” and I wasn’t meant to understand it. But now I am an adult and I still don’t really get it. What does it mean? Why didn’t she just go commando? Am I doing this lady thing wrong?

Confused in Cincinnati

What’s your questions for this Judy Blume doll?

You can follow Melissa Locker @WoolyKnickers.