Banana Karenina and Other Works of Literature
by Helen Rosner and Liz Liedel and Mia Cabana and Laurel Damash
The thing about puns: They’re the best! Especially when they’re literary, and double-especially when they’re also about food. For example:
A Midsummer Night’s Cream
The Flaming of the Stew
Troilus and Crescent Rolls
Julius Caesar Salad
Rye and Prejudice
Ketchup in the Rye
To Grill a Mockingbird
Are You There Cod, It’s Me Margaret
Gravity’s Turbot
Lard of the Fries
Lard of the Onion Rings
Harry PotPie and the Sorcerer’s Stoneground Mustard
The Ground and the Curry
The Bun Also Rises
Huckleberry Gin
The Grape Fatty (too much? Great Gatsby)
Groats From the Underground
Love in the time of Cauliflower
King Beer
The Fed and the Blackened
Banana Karenina
The Book of Verjus
The Perch of Lost Lime
A Tale of Two Zitis
War and Peas
The Velveeta Rabbit
Ethan Fromage
The Tart of War
The Cake’s Progress
If on a Winter’s Night a Waiter
Watercress Down
The Gizzard of Oz
The Fiddlehead
The Red Batch of Porridge
Lime and Punishment
Blueberry Finn
Brideshead Refried
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Soused
Tropic of Cornichon
The Fridges of Madison County
Seven Fries for Seven Brothers
Little House on the Dairy
Anne of Green Vegetables
Sophie’s Choice Cut Prime Rib
The Balsamic Verses
Nancy Drool
The Phantom of the Pasta
Foodie and the Feast
Of Rice and Men
Helen Rosner is a professional food person. Liz Liedel will probably save the world some day. Mia Cabana is a former children’s librarian who currently is at liberty. Laurel Damashek speaks a tremendous number of languages. Kat Rickenbacker is a sociologist. Jim Basili plays with numbers all day. Five of them all went to Smith college together; one of them is Helen’s boyfriend.