Friends, “I’m His Girl”

by Blanca Mendez

I’ve been crushing majorly on the Brooklyn band Friends ever since their video for “Friend Crush.” They make music that sounds kind of like Lykke Li circa Youth Novels, but a little dreamier and with a bit of a disco edge. Now they’ve released the video for their funky pop number, “I’m His Girl,” and I think it’s full-fledged love. I mean, that bass line alone! But, also, this is the best song about healthy relationships that has ever been recorded. Samantha Urbani not only looks fly in this video, she delivers some serious wisdom. Wisdom like knowing that your worth doesn’t depend on your relationship status and that relationships are not about possession. Even if she’s his girl, she does exactly what she wants when she’s with him and when she’s not. And she doesn’t get jealous when he goes out, because trust! It’s important! No matter how into each other they are, they both need room to breathe. I kept saying, “preach, girl, preach,” as I watched this video. Urbani needs to be our next Lady, because this is basically all the great relationship advice that you’ve ever gotten in song form. And everything is better in song.

Previously: I Really Want Ximena Sariñana to Make It.

Blanca Méndez is a freelance writer and podcast producer based in Chicago. She regularly contributes to the Latin American music blog Club Fonograma.

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