“A lot’s changed since that Jane left.”

City officials are thanking the more than 100 volunteers coordinating and performing patrols around the city for the low number of fires this evening… Around 50 volunteers manned the police mini-stations, while 100 others performed patrols throughout the city, either on foot or by car… The number of fires thus far is down from the eight reported on the day before Halloween in 2010 and a dramatic decrease from the city’s high of 200 fires on Devil’s Night in 1994.

Where I grew up, all the cool kids spent the night before Halloween setting fires, spray painting stuff, and Nair-ing people. (I spent it pre-grounded, usually.) It looks like they’ve gotten things a little more under control around those parts. I wonder how because the plan of attack when we were eight year-olds was to tell us we could have a half day of school on Halloween if no school property was vandalized the night before, making every elementary school in the state prime vandalism targets for super hilarious and mean older siblings/cousins/neighbor kids. What was Halloween like where you grew up?