What the People I Went to College With Are Up To, According to the Alumni Magazine

by Simone Eastman

– Talking about their pets 2

– Buying houses 1

– Working for a nonprofit 4

– Running for office 1

– Getting married
 . . . to a person of the opposite sex 10
 . . . to a person of the same sex 1

– Hanging out with other alumni
 . . . 10
 . . . who were housemates or roommates 1
 . . . who are part of the “urban family” 1
 . . . who were part of a wedding party 6
 . . . via international travel 2

– Starting graduate school
 . . . in law 1
 . . . in social work 2
 . . . in the arts 4
 . . . in architecture 1
 . . . in a second field 2
 . . . in the sciences 1
 . . . in the humanities 2

– Mentioning graduate school
 . . . in the humanities 1
 . . . in business 1
 . . . in the sciences 2
 . . . in the social sciences 1
 . . . in veterinary medicine 1

– Finishing graduate school
 . . . in the humanities 2
 . . . in public health 1
 . . . in law 4
 . . . in the arts 3
 . . . in education 2
 . . . in veterinary medicine 1
 . . . in counseling 1
 . . . in the sciences 1

– Turning down graduate school 1

– Having children
 . . . first 2
 . . . second or third 2

– Farming 1

– Living internationally 2

– Running a marathon 1
 . . . internationally 1

– Launching a website 1

– Recovering from cancer 1

Simone Eastman is a cat lady.

Photo via Flickr