Welcome, Rookie!

What is Rookie? Rookie is the lovely and talented Tavi Gevinson’s website for teen girls / website for people who want to see what teen girls are saying. It launched yesterday, and it looks great. From the press release:

Our tone is honest and authentic, smart and dry, but still showing sincere passion for our readers and for what we’re interested in. … ROOKIE will post just three times a day — after school, after dinner, and before bed — respecting the schedules of our target audience, most of whom are in school all day. (Also the schedule of our editor-in-chief, who values her extra-curriculars and lunch period.)

In the first month, you can expect “Personal essays, criticism, fashion stories, beauty how-to’s, advice on sex and love, tech advice, DIYS for everything from hair dye to skateboarding, comedy, fiction and more from a staff of women and girls, largely in their teens and 20s, plus one token boy.” The Times just ran a piece on Tavi and the site, too, if you want to keep circling before heading over.

*Rookie (alternately, El Roockie) is also a Panamanian reggae musician responsible for the awesome song “Sigue Bailando Mi Amor.”