Women Shooting Virals

by Abe Sauer

The popularity of women in swimwear shooting guns is both well known and easily explained. Men like women in swimwear. Men like guns. It’s the surf-and-turf of testosterovisual stimulus. Not surprisingly, videos of attractive women in bikinis shooting guns are very popular (see above).

But a sub-genre of women shooting guns is even more popular. Videos of women being injured, overpowered, and generally manhandled by the huge guns they’ve been given have racked up hundreds of thousands, and, in many cases, millions and millions of views. They’ve largely avoided mainstream attention, however, until now: This August, a cable network show will feature the most famous woman ever injured with a huge gun. (More on that shortly.)

Although there are plenty of videos out there of women handling their guns proficiently, these “women unable to handle large firearms” videos are clearly engineered for the outcome they produce, as high-powered guns are handed to amateur handlers. And the slighter the handler, it seems, the “better.” While the women often appear to fire the weapons of their own volition, in other cases it’s clear they’ve been goaded into it by their respective “sweethearts.” That the genre shares something in common with “she can’t handle it” monster-cock porn goes without saying.

A curated gallery of some of the genre’s most characteristic, and popular, examples.

“Shotgun Blast Girl,” 18K views

“Girl Knocks Herself out with Gun Funny Movies,” 587K views

“Andrea’s First Shot,” 1 million views

“Small Girl Big Gun,” 291K views

“Drunk woman vs. .50 cal pistol,” 4.8 million views

“Chick Almost Shoots Herself,” 5 million views

“Hottie shooting gun for first time,” 12 million views

“Why women should not use guns,” 6 million views

“How not to shoot a shotgun,” 6.3 million views

“Girl Gets hit with Recoil,” 8.6 million views

The mother of all “woman hurt by high-powered gun” videos, though, is “‪My Wife -vs- the Desert Eagle .50‬” (below). The Desert Eagle is a preposterous $2K-plus hand cannon with absolutely zero real-world application. (Many may remember it as Bullet Tooth Tony’s gun of choice in Snatch.) Since 2007, the “My Wife vs. the Desert Eagle” video has racked up over 13 million views (and many more when it was re-uploaded), inspiring the video’s stars to create a whole “official” site, MyWifeVsTheDesertEagle.com.

And on the site, the couple just announced that the meme is going mainstream: “We just signed a deal with Discovery Channel and in August of 2011 catch us on Sons of Guns!”

The show, which usually pulls in two million viewers per episode, will almost certainly be a cult hit and do nothing to make such videos less popular.

Of course, what these “hilarious” videos do not show are the instances where the outcome is not so hilarious.

Abe Sauer can be reached at abesauer at gmail dot com. He is on Twitter.