Less Coherent Than Santorum!

GOP Rep. Allen West takes the water-beer idea to the next level:

I like chocolate chip ice cream, and I will continue to like chocolate chip ice cream. So there’s no worry about me changing to vanilla. I like to, you know, ride my motorcycle. What do you want me to do? You want me to change my behavior and ride a scooter? I’m not into that. People can change their sexual behavior. And I’ve seen people do that. I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, so I’ve seen a very different perspective on human behaviors. So that’s where I’m coming from on that.

Guyyyyyys, you have to walk away from the metaphors. And the similes. You are confusing the shit out of us. Is being gay like riding a scooter instead of a motorcycle? Why can you change your sexual behavior but not eat vanilla ice cream? Do you know what “vanilla” means? Also, if you’re from Atlanta, and you have light to shine on this, please do.

Promised declarative statement: This man is not intelligent, and should not be holding political office.