Watches and Shia: They’re Not Going to Happen

Since I am clearly sourcing my vacation pieces this week from Things I Read On The Plane, I did want to mention this glorious men’s magazine puff piece (I would say “I’m not naming names,” but I actually just forgot which magazine it was in) on how real men are still buying watches, not just using their cell phones like teenagers, because watches are cool, and a great way to demonstrate your affluence and style.

As though people can’t figure out that some poor writer was called in by the editor who was called by the advertisers and told that “the watch people are unhappy, tell people to buy watches again.”

It’s over, watch people! The super high end watches will continue to sell, because people still buy Cigar Aficionado, but the mid-range watches are done. They’ve gone to a nice farm upstate with camera film and cursive teachers and whatever you used to polish daguerreotypes with.

(I could very clearly hear “Good Night And Thank You” from Evita while typing that.)

Photo via Flickr