Two Things That Happened on TV Last Night
1. The Survivorman rerun was the episode set in the Kalahari. Les Stroud is whining and carrying on because it’s ninety-five degrees in the shade. It got hotter later. Who cares, Les Stroud? Do you have to wear a button-down and nylons to work, or are you just sprawled under a tree conserving your body’s moisture?
2. The Italian Job (2003). Pete Hornburger from 30 Rock has a two-second role as an actor driving poorly on route to an audition. Jason Statham is gorgeous, mad at him, honks. Oscar from The Office is a security guard for Ed Norton. Jason Statham, gorgeous, has no reaction to him, angry or otherwise. Jason Statham, despite being gorgeous, does not have a role on any current NBC sitcom.
That is all.