Greening the Affluent: Reports From the Front

After reading our Imagined Inner Monologue yesterday, a friend informed me that she, a reliably honest freelance art journalist, had recently attended an extremely chi chi dinner party with a dozen or so high-net-worth individuals, all of whom were busily touting the steps they’d taken to curtail their carbon footprints in a circle-jerk of self-satisfaction.

And then they worked around the table to this particularly sweet, dippy woman, who proudly announced that HER contribution to Al Gore’s crusade was, no joke, reusing the same swizzle stick at Starbucks all summer, by rinsing it off, wrapping it in a paper napkin, and saving it for her next visit.

Baby steps!

(I still let the water run while brushing my teeth 30% of the time, so, in no position to judge.)