Who Stole This Man’s Pregnant Barbie?
Criminals are on the loose in Gurnee, Illinois:
A Barbie doll purported to be rare because of features that include a detachable pregnant belly and a tiny doll fetus has been reported stolen from a Gurnee apartment.
The 67-year-old man who owned the doll reported to police on June 18 that it had gone missing from inside his apartment … The man didn’t know how long it had been missing.
He told police the blond figure, with its bulging belly, was a rare find, and set its value at $400.
A quick search, however, reveals that the doll, a controversial pregnant Midge produced in 2002, is also available on Amazon for $147. Or even $99. (Also, SIGTGMBMPBOIGTCYFT.)
Photo via StraightFromtheA