Obama’s Chief Economic Advisor: My Thoughts on RiRi

“I’ve tried to deny that I read Us Weekly. My wife subscribes and I’ve denied for years that I had anything to do with it. But there was a moment in 2007 on the campaign trail when the president was going to talk to someone who had a rumored relationship with Rihanna and I said ‘Whatever you do, don’t ask about Rihanna.’ As I uttered that statement, it became clear to everyone that I had been reading Us Weekly and the president turned and started howling. ‘I’m so proud of you, you’re the first economic adviser who’s even heard of Rihanna.’”
— Chief White House Austan Goolsbee is up on his gossip. Also, Rihanna was 19 in 2007 — was this a Jay-Z thing? Did Barack and Jay meet up in 2007? Please someone sleuth this out.

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