Kate Hudson and the Case of the Second Baby Shower

“Dressed in somewhat formal attire, fellow celebs (and moms) like Courteney Cox, Nicole Richie and Rachel Zoe were among the day’s 60 or so guests — some of them bearing baby baskets and gifts in the gender-neutral color of yellow and green.”
— Kate Hudson had a baby shower which sounds like it was genuinely nice, and I do hope that she and her gender-neutral child enjoy the gifts. But this has reminded me of a question that has been nagging me for weeks now: Do people usually throw showers for second babies? Is it overkill, since theoretically the mother has already been given much of what she’ll need at the shower for her first baby? Or does denying the second child a chance to have their own brand new outfits set in motion a lifetime of disappointment and worn hand-me-downs that culminates with said child starring in an episode of Hoarding: Buried Alive?

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