Will Hipsters Destroy the Happiest Place on Earth?

We have already established that Minnesota is the safest and most pleasant place to live, but there may now be a slight hitch in my plan for us all to move there and live as one giant Hairpin community: Someone has determined that Minnesota is the “Most Hipster State in the US.” What does this even mean? It’s unclear, except it sounds sort of unpleasant. I don’t really want someone in ironic flannel and ugly-on-purpose sunglasses judging us for enjoying offering smart ladies a nice place to live out their golden years while consuming an endless supply of frozen alcoholic concoctions. So maybe we should shelve our Minnesotan migration until it’s been determined whether these hipsters pose a real threat to our idyllic commune, which will be called The Hairpune. (Yes, I am sure that’s what it should be called. I cannot be dissuaded.)

Photo via Flickr