Pobody’s Nerfect! My Obsession With MakeMeHeal.com

MakeMeHeal.com is my number one favorite website of all time ever. Because of reasons that will become apparent, rather than review the website or tell you where it tickles me and why, I’m simply going to tell you what you can expect to find at MakeMeHeal.com without commentary. Much — way, way, very, very much — of the content on the site is NSFW (or for dreams, or for people with body dysmorphic disorder), so click carefully.

– Tons of graphic before-and-after photos of regular folks’ plastic surgeries and cosmetic procedures.

– Very informative reviews and photos of, like, Botox and chemical peels, some DIY even.

Before photos of folks wondering if YOU think they should have plastic surgery.

– After photos of folks wondering if they should sue for malpractice.

Videos like this??

– People talking about “Wish Booties.”

– Lots of talk of “Mommy Makeovers.”

– Ask a Plastic Surgeon (essentially).

– Many labiaplasties that are difficult to understand.

– Discussions about where in Costa Rica to get great boobs and where in The Dominican to get nightmare boobs.

Message boards.

OK, so you’re welcome! Enjoy! Or whatever? No, really do try to enjoy and if you find yourself not enjoying, definitely turn off your computer immediately and go kiss someone special and tell them how pretty they are and that you never want them to change a single thing on their entire body until they are dead.

Jane Feltes produces the radio program “This American Life.”