Fun Guy In Charge of Very Scary Thing

What is the one quality you want a person who runs a nuclear power plant to have? If you said “a sense of humor” you would be wrong! That is a lesson Wayne Leonard, who runs a plant that is about 40 miles north of where I am sitting right now, learned the hard way.

“The clueless CEO in charge of the upstate Indian Point nuclear plant had a stunning meltdown in judgment when he kicked off an investor meeting by displaying the quote from the movie ‘The Hangover,’ ‘By the way, we’re all gonna die!’ In a bonehead attempt to ease fears about potential disaster, [he] littered his 111-page presentation with pictures and lines from the hit 2009 movie.’”

Eek! Wayne, what made you think that was a good idea? Oh wait, a spokesman for Entergy, the company he works for, explains:

“Wayne’s a movie buff. He often uses movies in his presentations… No one has died as a result of a nuclear accident. Not at Japan, not Russia, not Three Mile Island.”

OK, phew. I feel so much better now! I guess I can crawl back out of my fallout shelter and start watching trailers for “The Hangover 2: Nuclear Meltdown Is No Big Deal.”