Dave Coulier Speaks Out, Again, About the Alanis Song

“The Alanis I know is really fun to be around and really thoughtful and sweet. I think there’s a lot of things in Jagged Little Pill that are very deep and fueled by her interactions with a lot of people. At the time we were dating, she was writing a lot of music, and I was a newly divorced, single father with a two-year-old son. She was living in Ottawa, Canada and I was living in Los Angeles. It was a tough time for me and a lot of distance for a budding relationship. I’ll always think of her as a really great person. As far as being the so-called subject of ‘You Oughta Know’…I’ll just let the urban legend folks keep spinning on that one.”
 — But she spoke eloquently, and she would have had your bay-bay, Dave Coulier! The Uncle Joey / Alanis Morissette whirlwind is everlasting.


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