Birth Control Makes Us Like Wimps, Smell Wrong
Not only does hormonal birth control attract us to less-masculine men, “Contraceptives can mask the attractiveness of some females and fail to warn about the genetic weakness of others.” That’s based not on humans but on female lemurs, who were given tiny packets of birth control pills and instructed to take one each night before bed. No, they were given shots of Depo Provera and then put out to flirt alongside their non-Depo Provera’d peers, whom it turned out the males preferred. Which is just a recap of the above video and this excellent but frustrating Wall Street Journal article (which is delicately titled the “The Tricky Chemistry of Attraction” and well worth a read). Dum de dum, momentary break to let mind wander over choices past. OK, so now we all go get ParaGard IUDs?