When Not to Take Your Husband’s Name

“When she met David Lauren on a rainy New York night in April of 2004, the last thing on model Lauren Bush’s mind was how their names might sound together if they married. But now, seven years later, the two are engaged, and the 26-year-old is facing the fact that she’ll soon be Lauren Lauren…So how to solve the problem? ‘I think it will be Lauren Bush-Lauren,’ she says. ‘That’s not final, but I think it’s nice to have the same name as your husband. I am sort of old-fashioned in that way.’” — Does that really solve the problem though, other than letting people know you’re doubly loaded? (David is Ralph’s son and Lauren is George W’s niece, in case you haven’t been obsessively charting American dynasties.) Maybe someone should warn her that she’s about have the following conversation at least three times a day for the rest of her life: “Yes, my name is Lauren Lauren. Well, it’s actually Lauren Bush-Lauren… But I know, what ARE the chances that I’d marry someone with the same name?”

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