Water is the New Air

Oh my God, you guys! Soon we are going to be able to breathe underwater! Scientists are working on a way to merge human DNA with algae and make it so we can swim without coming up for air. (OK, actually they’re just thinking about working on it, but close enough!) And as soon as they do that, we’re all set.

They got the idea from salamanders, who apparently long ago absorbed enough algae DNA that they are now considered part-plant and they make their own oxygen. (Weird, right?) So, yeah, it seems pretty simple: just put some algae in with our DNA, mix it up, and voila! We’re a race of fish people! There isn’t a single thing that could go wrong during this process, I am sure. Better start getting ready now (buy a wetsuit, buy a pond!) because this is going to change everything. Scuba diving will be so awesome without those annoying masks, and also we can probably start living at the bottom of the ocean.