The 10 Ashley Madison Banners You Meet Online

by Abe Sauer

My wife just doesn’t understand how reducing taxable income can be such a turn-on. By the way, according to the CDC there is a 12% chance you now have genital warts.

This is my Back Pages of the Village Voice suit, you like it? Also, yes, I did invent that trademarked slogan.

Can we leave the lights off? I would really rather leave the lights off, thanks.

Who knows, you might even cheat on your wife with a Judd sister!

Did you know that Ashley Madison web advertising affiliates get a bonus $2.50 for every woman who signs up through them? It’s true.

What a great ass. Wish my wife had an ass like that. But that’s such bullshit. I’m never going to meet anyone like that. It’s probably just a sausage fest. But maybe that’s what all guys think? Maybe it’s not that bad simply because everyone assumes it’s that bad. Probably not, but you never know, right? *click*

Alternate copy: “Do you ever experience that not-so-fresh feeling?”

Just because as a member of the tea party I’m being a hypocrite about social values doesn’t mean I need to break my commitment to fiscal conservancy.

Ha! Awesome! I love a funny chick! God, I wish my wife was that funny.

I am deeply ashamed that I am turned on by … cartoon penis fonts.

Previously: The Best of Sexual Harassment Stock Photography.

Abe Sauer hopes his wife will understand his browser history.