
by David Rees

Last week was amazing! Thanks to everyone who sent congratulatory texts and voicemail messages. I was shocked when Relationshapes won a Pultizer Prize — I didn’t even know they gave Pulitzers for “Best Comic About Relationships,” but they do, so I guess it makes sense that I won!

Anyway, the awards ceremony was really fun; I’ll tell you all about it. But first … a selection of the comics that won me a PULITZER PRIZE AWARD!

JUDGES’ COMMENT: “Vhat can vee say? Vee love dis comic so much. Soon as vee see it, vee say, ‘Vee gonna give dis guy a Pulitzer.’”

JUDGES’ COMMENT: “Vee gotta give dis comic a special gold ribbon. Vee never seen nothing like dis.”

This is a photo of me at the awards ceremony holding my Pulitzer Prize Trophy:

They color-coordinated the beautiful ladies with my comics. How cool is that? After the ceremony, we went out to eat at a fancy restaurant with my gift certificate from the Pulitzer Prize.

This is a photo of me the morning after the awards ceremony:

I was still in a good mood about the award and also because I had sex with both of the beautiful women in the earlier photo I showed you.

Previously: Relationshapes: Part Seven

David Rees is a former political cartoonist. Now he is an artisanal pencil sharpener.