Liking Exercise Means Having Better Sex

The curious folks over at OK Cupid, sharers of such information as “people who like the taste of beer are more likely to have sex on the first date,” and “having some men think she’s ugly actually works in a woman’s favor,” are back with 10 more sex graphs drawn from giant user surveys. There’s a particularly fun one where you can toggle back and forth through women’s ages to see how body shape/sex drive/confidence all correlate, and then there’s also the one about how Jewish women who don’t use Twitter are the least likely to masturbate.

There’s also this news, shown above, about how women who don’t enjoy exercise are more likely to have difficulty achieving orgasm, and vice versa (although, interestingly, it doesn’t say you actually have to do the exercise, just that you have to claim to enjoy it). So, anyone want to kickstart a bunch of storytelling about how getting hit with a dodgeball led to their … first … wait. No! Not dodgeball. Dodgeball? What do people say about sports experiences leading to sexual awakening? Except now, obviously, I’m just envisioning someone getting, um, can someone please help me stop writing this? Ahh, it’s writing itself! Anyway, so imagine like a girl is really bad at dodgeball (good at dodgeball?) and she’s one of the last ones left, but she’s misplayed her field advantage or whatever, and everyone has balls but her, so they throw them at her lightly and in succession — am I in a dream? Am I dreaming? — yeah so dodgeball. Wow. Anyway. What do people say, bikes? Biking. Not fucking dodgeball. Jesus christ.