Happy National High Five Day!

From the moment I got up this morning, I knew there was something special about today. Not just because my brain randomly woke me up at 5:45am (probably it knew today was going to be great and didn’t want me to miss even one second of it), but also because of all the great emails I had waiting for me. They brought fantastic news like “Your credit card could not be processed” and “I’m a Latvian duke who’s finally received my great fortune. I just need your help to get my money out of the bank.” Oooh, OK, where do I sign? Anyway, it turns out it isn’t just me who’s having a lucky day, we all are: It’s National High Five Day! A holiday all about high-fiving! Cool, and perfectly timed because so far today is THE BEST!

In fact, I’m getting so pumped up that I probably won’t even be able to stop myself from high-fiving strangers on the street! If you want to get psyched and slap your hands around in the air, here are just a few of the many high-five worthy things out there right now:

-Chris Martin was cranky at Gwyneth’s cookbook party but she enjoyed herself anyway. You go, girl!

-Dogs are great and can also give high fives! We should be massaging them more often!

-Kate Middleton is all windblown ’n’ stuff! (And I like her jacket!)

-There are some very influential people in this world! And then there are even more influential people who wrote about the original influential people. As an Italian grandmother would say, “Thatsa lotta influensa!”

-Tomorrow is Friday!

High five, you guys! We did it! Gimme some skin? Up high, down low. Let’s all have some High-Fivetinis! (Regular martinis that you try not to spill while high-fiving.) Awwwwww, yeah.

Picture via Flickr