Eat Mangoes

“One summer I lived in Cuernavaca, Mexico, and I would gather mangos from the ground in a park where they dropped, ripe, all day long.” Nice try, Martha Rose Shulman, but I’m not jealous of you and your Mexican mango summer, because instead of reading that as the mangoes dropping from the trees all day long, I’m choosing to read it as you gathering mangoes all day. Gotcha! I would take some of your mango-and-strawberry soup, though. (If you don’t want to click through and burn one of your 20 allotted New York Times credits on that mango recipe, it’s a bunch of mangoes and strawberries pureed with some lime juice, a little sugar, and fresh mint. But also, the fine print on that NYT agreement is that even if you’ve reached your 20-article limit, you’re allowed to read additional articles if you’ve been linked to them from outside blogs/social media sites, like this one. You probably already knew that, but just in case. And speaking of NYT articles, here’s one on how the children are having less sex these days. Covering a lot of ground here. Give those children some mangoes.)

You guys like mangoes? Anyone else learn the hard way not to touch mango skins with their mouths? You get a rash is what happens!