The Week of March 21–25

-Dudes answered our questions about how to meet them and when to change our Facebook statuses, and A Queer Chick answered our questions about girls’ night etiquette and the heart/vagina.

-Here’s what to do if you’ve thrown up on your own wall or inherited a beautiful silver trophy that you’ve let tarnish.

-Self-tanner and acne, solved all in one place. Eyeliner, too.

-One man shared a story about taking his girlfriend to a Britney Spears concert and almost pulling a _______ out of his pocket.

-You are now free to make ice cream without a machine.

-And finally, a guide to responding to your friend’s announcement that she’s/he’s engaged. It’s tl;dr, so just remember “Congratulations. How wonderful” and you should be good.